10 Fun And Interactive Valentine's Day Ideas - The Citizen

10 Fun And Interactive Valentine's Day Ideas - The Citizen

10 Unique Date Ideas for Valentine's Day

Planning a Valentine's Day date but tired of the usual dinner and a movie routine? Here are 10 fun and unique date ideas to consider:

  1. Go Wine Tasting

    Visit a local vineyard or make it a mini bar crawl and try out a variety of different wines.

  2. Take a Dance Lesson

    Even if you both have two left feet, learning to dance together can be a fun and playful experience.

  3. Play Games Together

    Engage in some friendly competition by playing a card game, board game, or video game.

  4. Take a Day Off Together

    Spend the day doing whatever you want, whether it's going on a hike, taking a road trip, or watching movies all day long.

  5. Visit a Themed Bar

    Check out a bar with mini-golf or arcade games for a fun and playful night out.

  6. Do Something Special You've Always Talked About

    Whether it's a spa day or painting a room together, take the time to do something you've always wanted to do with your partner.

  7. Serve Breakfast in Bed

    Surprise your partner with their favorite breakfast in bed to start the day off right.

  8. Attend a Comedy Show, Concert, or Play

    Spend the evening laughing or singing along together at a live event.

  9. Go on a Dawn Date

    Wake up early and watch the sunrise together with a warm beverage and a beautiful view.

  10. Try an Outdoor Activity

    Don't let the weather stop you! Get outside and try kayaking, surfing, or biking for a fun and active date.

Originally Post From https://auburnpub.com/partners/video-elephant/life-entertainment/lifestyle/10-fun-and-interactive-valentine-s-day-ideas/video_0d582831-55e7-51b7-9c91-72a11e770a3e.html

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